We partner with clients to reconfigure existing programs and build in-house capabilities to foster a culture of intrepreneurship/innovation. 


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Most major corporations are focused on ideation, engagement, and patent filing instead of execution and delivering business impact. Despite having dedicated think tanks and R&D wings, they inevitably struggle with innovation which is clearly acknowledged and much needed.  

Entrepreneurs, in addition to having access to a robust support ecosystem, have zero organizational overheads, unlike intrapreneurs.  This results in rapid testing and iterations of their ideas, helping their revenue and scale excel faster than the majority of innovation programs planned by most large corporations.

How We Help Our Clients

An ecosystem conducive to innovation is hard to find within large corporations due to their extensive focus on planning rather than execution.

We help bridge the gap by assessing the current state of innovation and designing a clear pathway from innovation as a mere concept to integration into the organizational culture, thereby exponentially increasing the value generated.

Our playbooks are customized for our clients based on their requirements and our internal readiness and resource availability assessment. As they gain experience, we assist the program to move up the collaboration maturity curve and help capture more significant opportunities. We do not equate invention to innovation.

INNOVATION CAPACITY VALUE GENERATED Innovation effortis ad hoc Company commits to running few programs Company brings in BusinessLeaders and establishescore processes behind programs Company and BusinessLeader commitment is high, employees continuously build an innovation portfolio Innovationas a Concept A few individuals with a strong innovation intent areexperimenting to drive innovation from the Company The Company has intent and has committed to running few innovation programs locally.These are usually independent programs anchored on increasing team participation. Innovations are usually in core areas. The Company is building an innovation pipeline and has a clear view and support on deployment in business.Large number of teams participate and are eager to deploy their ideas.Innovations could include projects in transformative/breakthrough areas. The Company is building an innovation portfolio and has demonstrated the ability to implement innovation.Large number of employees look at innovation as a career path. Teams from the Company have deployed/spun off businesses in transformative/breakthrough areas. Innovationas aN ACTIVITY Innovationas a PROCESS Innovationas a CULTURE

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SA'AD SHAIKH Engagement Manager

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