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A healthcare major evangelized its technology platform

A healthcare major evangelized its technology platform

Client’s challenge

The client, a Healthcare subsidiary of a global Fortune 100 conglomerate that caters to the platform engineering team faced challenges in building the tech platform. They wanted to introduce SaaS offerings as a new category of solutions to customers, viz., hospitals, complementary to traditional hardware device offerings.

The other challenge was in creating an ecosystem of third-party solutions that could be commercialized through a global online marketplace.

How Zinnov helped

Zinnov helped the client through need assessment and qualification. This stage involved working with key leaders globally to identify strategic priority areas for the business. In the start-up shortlisting phase, through primary and secondary surveys with leadership, we developed a list of selection criteria and identified start-ups fitting these criteria. Then through the PoC management process, the process of developing joint PoCs was carried out followed by GTM establishment and refinement. In this stage, we enabled global leadership to strategically create the GTM process for third-party solutions that are globally relevant.

Impact created

Zinnov delivered value to the client by identifying solutions across modalities and care-areas that allowed the client to expand on their internal capabilities, as well as the platform capabilities. 1 clinical pilot has been initiated at a regional clinical site with 4 start-ups deploying their solution, 2 more pilots are under discussion with 3 more start-ups, 3 start-ups are going through the global GTM process with global product teams.

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