A Storage and Networking Company with sites in Bangalore and Pune aimed to hire a Program manager for strategy office in their GCoE, where Zinnov was engaged to handle the S&O (Strategy & Operations) portfolio of the center during the transition of the S&O leader.
Zinnov helped with a new business setup and program-managed the partnership between the GCoE to drive enablement of pivotal tools in internal IT functions and education programs in the India center.
Further, an operationalization plan was formed for the India team to successfully launch the first phase of the training program with the target audience. To improve the operational effectiveness and collaborations, it advised the India center to improve collaboration among the BUs. Then we identified potential interlock opportunities for the center set up forums for meaningful discussions, and then proceeded to operationalize the identified collaboration opportunities.
Lastly, in terms of center branding initiatives, best global practices were advised – hiring practices, R&D excellence, innovation, automation, ownership, etc.
The operationalization of the new business plan was successfully completed, where new operational collaboration opportunities for BUs were identified. The center leader accepted all the recommendations provided by Zinnov.