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A domain name provider accelerated Web Domain Adoption within export SMB clusters

A domain name provider accelerated Web Domain Adoption within export SMB clusters

Client’s challenge

A leading domain name provider wanted to assess the adoption of domain names by Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs). Their executive leadership team for the APAC and India region wanted to accelerate web domain adoption and get answers to critical questions such as what are the major markets within the APAC region? What are the websites majorly used for? What are some of the significant up-sell opportunities in the market? And what are the pain points of the customers?

Getting concrete answers would help the client devise a robust strategy to strengthen their position in the market and solve their customers’ problems quicker. To achieve accurate results, they wanted Zinnov to visit key markets to conduct in-depth customer interviews, and also explore new opportunities that could be targeted further. The client was particularly interested in export-driven clusters from the Asia Pacific region as they believed it would be a high-value market for them.

How Zinnov helped

Helping the client on this acceleration journey was our primary goal, and we adopted a two-pronged approach to achieve it. This approach was based on detailed field interviews to answer all client questions and design a strong strategy for increasing web domain adoption.

The initial phase of the approach was customer-centric, and it assisted in identifying the adoption patterns and preferences of domains/websites among the present set of customers in the market. It also helped in determining the primary drivers and top challenges that influence the domain name adoption process, as well as the pain points that customers confront. Based on these insights, the client intended to focus on providing customized solutions to a large cohort of SMBs in the APAC region to help boost the utilization of their service.

The second phase was more market-oriented, where we dived deep into the target market demographics. The key aspects that our team analyzed were the vertical, size of the market, revenue generated by various competitors in the market, and target customer geography. Knowing about the target customers and conducting a competitor analysis were crucial since they enabled a better understanding of the client’s customer personas and what their competitors were doing differently to attract them. Assessment of technology adoption levels in the cohort helped the client understand if any gaps needed to be bridged. We also analyzed Business Opportunity Sizing across Export Clusters (or Hubs) to estimate accurate and best-suited opportunities that should be primarily targeted to achieve the web domain adoption goal of the client.

Impact created

We identified SMBs using websites to promote professional services such as kickboxers in Thailand and surfers in Australia as new business opportunities for the client.

Apart from identifying these valuable opportunities for the business, building strong partnerships in emerging markets was a priority for the client in order to reach out to a larger number of customers. The development of a new channel partner strategy for the client helped them get higher traction in the emerging APAC markets​ and build an advantage over the competitors.

In addition to formulating a strategy for the acceleration of web domain adoption, we provided suggestions for new cross-sell offerings such as chatbot-embedded websites, cybersecurity certifications, and end-to-end CRM​ solutions. These additions diversified the client’s portfolio with additional services that would give them an edge over their competitors and help them target a more extensive set of customers.

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