Like self-driving cars, organizations with the ability to run by themselves with minimal human intervention are no longer a distant reality and can be witnessed in the coming decades. Such organizations – called autonomous enterprises are self-driving organizations that continually sense, adapt, act, and evolve in an ever-changing environment. Many enterprises have already begun their journey in achieving autonomy.
Factors such as rising inflation, talent shortages, increased focus on sustainability, and shifting customer expectations are pushing organizations to operate in more innovative ways. In such an environment, these next-gen enterprises keep their focus on improving productivity/process efficiencies along with ensuring enhanced customer, employee, and partner experiences. Intelligent Automation along with other advanced technologies (such as AI, Computer Vision, NLP) will play important roles in taking these enterprises to the level of autonomy they desire. Automation technology has been witnessing rapid adoption – according to our research, the current automation spend is USD 22-23 Bn. This amount is expected to grow at a CAGR of ~50% and reach USD 170-180 Bn by 2027.
Most organizations today are still in the nascent stages of unlocking the potential of intelligent automation, constrained by organizational, process or technology-related challenges. The sooner organizations advance on this journey to adopt Automation technology and become more autonomous, the greater chances they have of gaining a competitive edge.
To enable decision-makers gain a holistic understanding of enterprise autonomy and to get them started on their Automation journey and scale rapidly, we present an exclusive roundtable discussion, join us to share your learnings and insights on the subject.