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Japanese Multinational Industrial Automation Provider Developed An Understanding Of The Compete Ecosystem of IoT Platform Providers

Japanese Multinational Industrial Automation Provider Developed An Understanding Of The Compete Ecosystem of IoT Platform Providers

Client’s Challenge 

A Japanese Multinational Automation firm was developing a proprietary IoT Platform and needed to understand the platform offering and commercial models of mature IoT platform providers across pricing models, discounting, bundling/ packaging, etc.

The client also wanted to understand the sales workflow (targeting/messaging, sales touchpoints, and collaterals) and Service Level Agreement (Disaster Recovery, Uptime/Downtime, and Turnaround Time) for these shortlisted organizations.

How Zinnov helped 

Zinnov followed a multi-pronged research approach to deep dive into shortlisted IoT platform providers:

• Secondary research to derive basic parameters such as year of inception, product architecture, add-on offerings, etc.
• In-depth research on parameters affecting variable pricing and SLAs across players
• Primary discussion with senior stakeholders across departments of the shortlisted players
• Partner interviews and customer feedback on competitors’ offerings

Impact Created 

The client received an in-depth assessment of IoT platforms for key competitors, including the product architecture, module availability, and customer buying models. This helped them gain visibility on the pricing structure deployed by competitors, discounting strategies, add-on pricing models, sample SLAs, and post-sales service prices. Zinnov helped the client to benchmark the organization structure for Support, Sales, and Marketing teams and identify best practices deployed internally.

Related Consulting Services

  • Business growth and transformation
  • Business Strategy
  • Industry research
  • Market strategy

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