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A Software MNC took its talent game up a notch

A Software MNC took its talent game up a notch

Client’s challenge

The client, a software/internet MNC in the Consumer Electronics space, wanted to reassess their compensation strategy for one of the niche job functions in order to expand its headcount and retain the top talent in the organization by following a skill-based compensation strategy.

How Zinnov helped

Zinnov conducted primary research, rolling out the research questions to industry stakeholders in order to get incumbent data.

Zinnov also conducted secondary research by looking at various secondary sources such as and validated the findings with various Service Providers and start-up peers.

The data was analyzed and various insights were drawn to bring out key trends, practices, and compensation ranges. Job and level mapping was also conducted using the Career Framework approach.

The findings were reported through dashboards covering multiple key data points and recommendations were provided to the client.

Impact created

Zinnov was instrumental in strategizing it budgetary spends. The client was able to redefine their compensation strategy and successfully conduct job/level mapping. The client was able to retain their top talent and prioritize the key skills and roles in the organization.

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