We drive impact by marrying customers with the right startup collaborators, leapfrogging their innovation journeys quickly and sustainably. 


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Existing programs for innovation are either outdated or slow. Most corporations find it hard to seek the right technology, skillset, and resources to speed up their existing innovation programs. Zinnov’s Innovation practice speeds up the search for these transactive opportunities by custom designing start-up collaboration programs and engaging with relevant high potential start-ups to drive meaningful business impact.  

Our innovation maturity framework helps customers diagnose their existing innovation activities and design roadmaps to move along the maturity curve. Our deep focus on aligning key internal stakeholders with external collaborators help in joint goal setting and driving tangible outcomes for both customers and partners.


How We Help Our Clients
Reports and Presentations Disruptor PoV - a outside-in perspective on a product / businessInsights and Landscape Reports on a technology, sector, or theme Build and operate a custom global program Design, launch, operate and expand acustomized programfrom India - from India,for the world Reconfigure and expand existing programs Revamp program design to make initiatives more attractive to start-upsBuild expansion strategy to engage more teams and start-ups, globally Build pipeline of high-potential start-ups Proactively scout and build qualified pipeline for your existing programs or initiatives - in India or overseas

We facilitate effective alliances between C-suite executives and the start-up ecosystem through a portfolio of 7 modules from our propriety collaboration model. Backed by real-world results and empirical evidence, this model benefits stakeholders from diverse focus areas, from customer experience to operational excellence.  

Our modularized capabilities, supported by a strong network of investors and technology partners, help our clients at each stage of the lifecycle – from inception to post-program. Each of our programs is curated across 12 critical success elements, which assist our partners in moving up the lifecycle maturity curve and unlocking untapped potential.


The Success Equation – Why Corporate & Start-Up Collaborations Help Leapfrog Growth
Innovation | Podcast The Success Equation – Why Corporate & Start-Up Collaborations Help Leapfrog Growth In this episode, Prof. Shameen, the author of Gorillas Can Dance, a book that dwells into start-up partnerships talks to Atit Danak, Partner, Zinnov about the finer details of these partnerships, and how they facilitate innovation.
Agritech in India: How Technology is Enabling New Yields
Digital Technologies | Blog Agritech in India: How Technology is Enabling New Yields A deep dive into India’s agricultural ecosystem, and an analysis of the status of the nation's Agritech sector.
How An Innovation Hot Streak In GCCs Can Leapfrog Growth
Innovation | Blog How An Innovation Hot Streak In GCCs Can Leapfrog Growth Did you know the bottom 80% of the ER&D spenders will struggle to win the Growth Wars? Innovative companies have realized that a change in organizational culture might be key to winning the Growth Wars

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SA'AD SHAIKH Engagement Manager

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