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Empowering A Net Zero Future For 2022 & Beyond

Empowering A Net Zero Future For 2022 & Beyond

15 Dec, 2021
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In our collective quest towards achieving climate targets, countries cannot meet a net zero commitment without completely rethinking their economy and businesses. In fact, with more digital technologies seeping into our lives, increased energy consumption over the past few decades is becoming more evident, across the globe. To keep up with global climate targets, the need to re-evaluate how energy utilization can be optimized and carbon emissions can be curbed, becomes imperative.

While a lofty goal to reach, it has refueled the conversation about carbon footprints and prioritized sustainability amongst countries and corporate agendas alike. Net zero can only be achieved when the amount of greenhouse gases that we put into the environment is at par with the amount taken away. Is leveraging technology the answer? Where does the onus of reducing CO2 emissions lie – solely with country leaders or with corporate leaders too?

To actualize such a change in direction and business strategy, besides cross-industry co-operation between companies, it also requires a lower carbon business model, tangible goals, clearly defined action plans, and measurable KPIs that evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy. So how can profit be made, while serving the planet? How can existing businesses rethink their current models more mindfully? – Companies need accountability from the top down and leaders must reimagine corporate growth strategies in ways that adapt current models to support transformation across the organizational rungs, including workforce transformation. And this includes investing in innovation and appropriate talent that can drive innovation.

We need a net zero workforce equipped with the right skills and enthusiasm, to help build a cleaner, greener system and operate newer, sustainable business models. This workforce transformation will require a variety of skills from different disciplines to achieve the desired vision.

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  • Environmental Social Governance
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • net zero future
Sidhant Rastogi, Managing Partner, Zinnov
Sivaram S, Principal, Zinnov

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