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A Global Leading Domain Name Provider identified emerging markets and new business opportunities through Zinnov analysis

A Global Leading Domain Name Provider identified emerging markets and new business opportunities through Zinnov analysis

Client’s Challenge 

A Global Leading Domain Name Provider needed to assess the adoption of domain names by SMBs, the major markets within APAC, key uses for the website, and major up-sell opportunities.

The key focus of the client was on export-driven clusters from the APAC region.

How Zinnov helped 

To achieve accurate results, Zinnov visited key markets to conduct in-depth customer interviews and figure out new opportunities for the client. We adopted a two-pronged approach based on detailed field interviews to meet the client’s requirements and cover key topics across:

Target market demographics:

• Target customers classified based on vertical, size, revenue, and geography
• Tech adoption levels across SMBs
• Business opportunity sizing across export clusters

Domains/websites’ adoption patterns & preferences:

• Current adoption level of domain names used for websites
• Key drivers and top challenges of domain name adoption
• Size and readiness level of SMBs and importance rating attached to domains

Impact Created 

Zinnov’s detailed analysis helped identify new business opportunities in targeting SMBs using websites to promote professional services such as kickboxers in Thailand and surfers in Australia. We further developed a new channel partner strategy for the client to get higher traction in the emerging APAC markets and suggested new cross-selling offerings such as websites embedded with chatbots, Cybersecurity certifications, and end-to-end Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

Related Consulting Services

  • APAC
  • Business growth and transformation
  • opportunity identification

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