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A large Engineering Services firm targeted large deals across 8 industry verticals

A large Engineering Services firm targeted large deals across 8 industry verticals

Client’s challenge

One of the largest pure-play Engineering services firms wanted to create a new value proposition to pro-actively chase large deals across 8 industry verticals.

How Zinnov helped

Zinnov used a 5 step approach to address and solve the client’s challenges.

We identified the key themes from recent large deals in the market as the first step. Followed by identifying frameworks to arrive at products that can be carved out across industries. We then, applied the frameworks on products across the value chain in an industry. In the fourth step, the framework was applied on specific clientele to map the customer portfolio. The final step involved a joint workshop with customers to present carved out scenarios.

Impact created

The given approach created two impacts one on the strategic front and the other tactical.

In terms of the strategic area – the plan helped the organization target focus areas for future growth and identify organic and inorganic strategies to approach the same. Under the tactical approach, we helped the management team chalk out the sales plan by year, geography, industry, and capabilities.

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