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Democratizing Leadership: Leadership qualities that build organizational resilience

Democratizing Leadership: Leadership qualities that build organizational resilience

11 Nov, 2020

COVID-19 threw sand into the gears of many industries, and one industry that came to an almost grinding halt was Travel & Hospitality. Despite the massive setback, the industry has demonstrated unparallel crisis leadership, redefining, re-structuring, re-designing, and reimagining their organizations from within. Organizations have upended the way they operate, democratizing leadership to build distributed, yet federated organizational resilience.

In this episode of the Zinnov Podcast, we have Jaya Kumar, Vice President and Managing Director of Sabre India, sharing his perspectives on how the Travel industry is fortifying itself in this time of crisis. Jaya shares Sabre’s decision to tap into the leadership qualities across levels, across the world, to go beyond resilience and become truly anti-fragile. Jaya shares interesting anecdotes, frameworks, and processes used to institutionalize a truly democratized leadership style. His examples are a rich mix of his diverse experience and practioners lens, on driving effective leadership outcomes.

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