Core benefits that start-ups gain by being part of CoNXT

Get Featured

Feature in market maps and custom reports

Generate Revenue

Solve Real Business challenges and explore commercial partnerships

Validate your Product

Develop/Test technologies with corporate collaborators

Investment and M&A opportunities

Gain priority visiblity in front of corporate investment and M&A teams

CoNXT connects start-ups with relevant Corporate Partners

Corporate approaches Zinnov CoNXT with a use case / problem statement for start-ups
Zinnov CoNXT curates a list of relevant start-ups
Start-ups and Corporates explore how to leverage their partnership
Joint GTM Opportunities

Joint GTM Opportunities

Co-innovation in Technology

Co-innovation in Technology

Co-innovation in Technology

Proof of Concept

How to Apply?
Interested B2B start-ups can sign up to CoNXT by requesting an invite

Interested B2B start-ups can be a part of CoNXT by requesting an invite

Request Invite

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